Monday, May 27, 2013

S.A.V.E. a LIFE makes contribution

North students and science teacher Chris Skowronski presented a check to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation. The funds were collected via entry fees during the S.A.V.E. A LIFE 5K Run/Walk, which was held April 28. The S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violations of the Environment) Club hoped to increase public awareness linking environmental pollution and human health issues.

In total, $9,000 was raised to assist children with cancer. $6,000 was donated to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Foundation, who will use the funds for cancer research and their Celebration of a Life Event, which is one of the largest pediatric cancer survivor parties in the nation. An additional $3,000 was given to the Jacob Michael Davis Foundation, who aids families who have children with cancer during their difficult time.